Part 139: Zil Padon NPC chatter 1
Welcome back! Zil Padon is a big town, so let's dive right into the Alqada section.

: Since be broke our jars, he should have apologized, taken out his wallet and said, "I'll buy those jars. Then there wouldn't be a problem, right?" What does he want? When they come, they look down their noses at us Alqada! What in the world do they want?
Well, that was short and to the point.

: Before I started working, there was an outbreak of food poisoning there, and just like that, the restaurant went under. I was fired before I started working. Truly, I never had a chance. There was nothing I could do. I still haven't found new work.

: What hair troubles? I don't need that. I'm not bald, and I'm still quite young.

: What are you saying? It'll be my last regret when I'm old that I neglected my hair when young. When I saw you, I thought, do you always wear that hat?

: Huh? Well, yes, but....

: Ah, look what you just said! If you always wear a hat... first thinning, later go bald!

: Oh? Really?! I didn't know that.

: Aha ha. Juss is going bald? This guy is really funny. Ha ha.

: Oooou... now there's "Hope". Use it, and the bald will grow hair. Many fellows have had good results.

: Huh? Really? Who?

: Oooou... well, me!

: ...? Where did it grow hair?

: Do you have knotholes for eyes? Right in front of you! All thanks to one blessed bottle of "Hope"! You bet! This "Hope" is really super! If you buy one now, I'll give you a bonus of one more bottle.

: Hey, let's go, Juss. We don't need this stuff!

: Oh, well. Nevermind that. ♪ I went to see the Fortunetller Olva today! The fortune she told hit the mark. Bull's eye. Finally, I have a boyfriend. ♥ I'll be dating him from now on. ♥ Thanks to positive action taken following Olva's advice. ♥
"Oh, hey, you like this guy? Maybe try telling him or something."

: From washing dishes to being a waiter, picking pu trash along the waterways. There's all kinds of jobs.

: What y'alll sayin'!? I am a woman!

: Ha ha! What's that? Some kind of joke, Mister? If you're a woman, then this bearded grandpa is a Rafane mademoiselle!

: Heh heh. That's a good one. Say something else, old man!

: How could this splendid body be that of a woman? Let's take a look at this body.

: Justin! Let's not hang around this place. Let's be goin' right now!

: Wow.

: Hey, still alive, old man?

: Now only can you eat these, but they are pleasing to the eyes. You've probably never had such a product. These are 40G each. You won't regret paying a single G. Believe me, and buy them. Will you buy it? Thank you. You are most gracious! Come buy again. ♪

: These "desert roses" certainly appear to be good products. Yes... but, the prices you have are always steep. I'd like you to give a little. Yes, I understand! I'd let you have it at that price. The next one is also a good product!

: There is nothing not needed in this world, and these were made for a purpose. Just as they say, "Honor all life". People and things are alive, and yet they have to escape from death. A life ended midway... how pathetic!

: What are you doing?

: Would you like to talk with me?

: I came to stock up on goods, but the main owner is not in. What should I do? Strange, I wonder why he's gone. Business is not going so well, so I came to stock up all at once.

: I heard it from the Mogay guys that it is very rare to have three peoples living in the same town like this. All the Mogay accepted us in.
Oh, fish guy. I think you're my favorite NPC in this whole town.

: Uh... well, no... not really.

: ... Sure? ... Well, see you around.
Having one person in charge of all of the water in a desert city? That sounds like a perfectly viable arrangement that could never, ever go wrong.

: The Mogay were the first people to come live in this town. Without quarreling, they gave space so other peoples could live here.

: In any case, we are the oldest, and the Mogay are probably the richest. We fight over such petty things. Don't you think it's stupid? Hey, stop it now. Is there even one G in profit if we fight?

: What are you saying?! Stop being arrogant! Rafane people are like that! We settled into Zil Padon first. You're in the habit of coming later and butting in.

: Ah. No way. You Alqada don't have a feel for quality products. What would you do if we didn't buy your products? You'd starve right away.

: Who the heck do you think you are? You Rafanes are nothing but snobs! That stuck up look on your face just makes me sick!

: Oh, is it a fight? All right! Com' on, get it on!

: Stop. Not again. When this here bunch meets face to face, they commence to fighting. Only the Mogay guys are different.

: Well, at any rate, we'll sleep in a hotel tonight. Let's go rest up.

: ...
And that's it for the exterior of the Alqada section. Next up, the various interiors!
Well, not really, I'm saving up to buy some expensive equi-
Well fuck you too, asswipe.

: Sheesh, what a way to speak to your customers.
At least the shopkeeper is polite about it.

: Thank you. Come again.

: Wow, what an aroma. This one's a killer!

: Aa my nose... aa Aa Aa Aa

: Atchooo

: Drat!

: Ho ho ho. It sure has a strong kick. Well, try it, if you're so inclined.

: How did you get such a bad habit?
C'mon, man, it's like you've never heard of adventurers before.

: Well, you young folks, what do you think is the most pleasant thing in the world?

: Let's see. To get out of a dangerous adventure using your own power.

: The best thing is a meal after wasting a monster opponent.

: And then there's picking your nose.

Spendin' time with my Darlin'!

The crackling sound of flesh being boiled off a still-living skeleton, the scent of cooking meat filling the air, and a chorus of agonized screaming.


None will be spared.

: Yeah, those two have really good choices, but I have different tastes. The most pleasant thing in the world? Frankly, it's eating delicious food. I am smart, don't you think?

: Well now, that's very ordinary, isn't it?

: For a shallow amateur, sure, but a true gourmet tastes carefully. Hic. It is a thrill to be enjoyed. Hi hic.

: A true gourmet enjoys the thrill of knowing whether there is poison in the flavor of the mushrooms. Hyi hic. Hah hah hah. Hee hee hee. Har har. Hya hya ha, it hurts.

: This guy never stops laughing, does he?

: What!? You bearded fool! You're too old for baby-talk.

: Well, I promised Papa and Mama to "grow up", but my butler says I still haven't grown up. (sigh) I want to go back home. But I don't know how to grow up, do you?

: Grow up? I guess I can't help you.

: Well, my Darlin says that when you work and do something useful for others, you're growing up.

: Why don't you try working instead of saying you have free time?

: You grow up when you're useful to others? Is that it? Useful to others, I never thought of that. If I'm useful to others, I'll grow up. If that's so, I can return home. I will live with Papa and Mama again! Yes, I've decided! I shall be useful to others. I've had enough of play. That's right. I never thought about working and growing up. That's a really good idea. I've decided to work from now on and be useful to others!
Eh-whoops. I think we were supposed to talk to the other guy first.

: Since the boy was such a lazybones for so long, his parents, who were worried about his future, told him, "Don't come back until you grow up". They kicked the boy out of the house. But it's been 10 years, and all he does everyday is sit around. He's a long ways from being grown up. It's strictly forbidden for me to give the boy advice. He has to grow up on his own power. Ha. However, it's cruel to expect that that boy will have the spirit to do it. It's no good the way things are, but unless the boy finds some spirit, we can't do anything.
Eesh. Talk about a downer. But let's see how the butler reacts once we tell the kid to go get a job.

: Oh, that boy does have the spirit after all! This is the first I've heard him speak of working! I... I'm so happy! The boy is showing some spirit. I've dreamt about this so many times.
Aww, we do get a happy ending after all.
Tune in next time for the Rafane!